16 December 2021

2ⁿᵈ Global Webinar


Meet authors and readers of influential books that shape the way we think about customs!

See the programme

2ⁿᵈ Global Webinar


Meet authors and readers of influential books that shape the way we think about customs.

15:05 - 15:15
15:05 - 15:15
Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang, Germany
Head of the Institute of Customs and International Trade Law at the University of Munster
The 10th edition of the "Lehrbuch des Europäischen Zollrechts" ("Textbook of European Customs Law") by Prof. Dr. Peter Witte and Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang was released in September 2021, in German. It offers a complete overview of the EU customs law and its interaction with world trade law. Content in English, download pdf.

Interviewed by Enrika Naujoke, Lithuania
Director of Lithuanian Customs Practitioners Association

Watch the video record and/ or read the article Textbook of European Customs Law: interview with the co-author of the book
15:15 - 15:25
15:15 - 15:25
Timothy Lyons, the UK
Barrister and Queen's Counsel (England and Wales), a barrister in the Republic of Ireland and a member of the Bar of Brussels
The 3rd edition of "EU Customs Law" provides updated treatment of legislation, new treaties and cases in the two courts of the EU, also includes commentary on the UCC and secondary legislation, and increased coverage of other areas.

Interviewed by Jessica Yang, Switzerland/ the UK
CEO of Customs Knowledge Institute

Learn more reading the article A coffee break with… Timothy Lyons
15:25 - 15:35
15:25 - 15:35
Annette Reiser, Switzerland
Attorney at Law, Lecturer at the Kalaidos University, Zürich for Free Trade Agreements and EU Customs / Trade Compliance
The first edition of the book "Zollrecht Schweiz – Freihandelsabkommen" (working title) will be released in the first quarter of 2022 in German (translation into English might be an option). It will provide an overview of the Swiss Free Trade Agreements with focus on current developments regarding the Barcelona Process but also the EFTA and other Swiss FTAs. It will provide guidance to practitioners in Switzerland but might be also interesting for practitioners within the Barcelona group. Please find content overview in English, download pdf.

Interviewed by Patrick Nieveler, Germany
Manager Customs & Excise Tax, PASANI Customs Academy

    15:35 - 15:45
    15:35 - 15:45
    Thális Andrade, Brazil
    Lawyer and Foreign Trade Analyst at Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Trade
    The newly released book "Curso de Direito Aduaneiro: jurisdição e tributos em espécie" ("Customs Law Course: jurisdiction and taxes") is a useful source of current understanding of the rules framing the customs legislation in Brazil. The book is in Portuguese, please find a short overview in English, download pdf.

    Interviewed by Roberto Raya da Silva, Brazil
    Founding member, RayaConsult

    15:45 - 15:55
    15:45 - 15:55
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Momchil Antov, Bulgaria
    Chairman of the Board, NOCA - National Organization of Customs Agents
    The book "Customs Representation" deals with both purely theoretical issues regarding customs representation and the technology of activities in import, export and transit of goods. A number of practical examples are presented, incl. with samples of completed documents. The peculiarities of the customs information systems in the Republic of Bulgaria and at the EU level, which are used daily by the customs brokers, are also considered. The book is suitable for both students and practitioners. Please find content in English, download pdf.

    Interviewed by Dr. David Savage, Ireland

    Watch the video record and/ or read the article A book about customs representation: interview with the author

    15:55 - 16:05
    15:55 - 16:05
    Mark Neville, the USA
    Lawyer, a Member of the New York Bar
    The most recent update to the treatise, International Trade Laws of the United States: Statutes and Strategies, edited by Mark Neville, has just been released. This is a comprehensive review of the entire body of US customs and trade laws, with reference as well to corresponding foreign and international customs law developments. Mr. Neville is a lawyer, a Member of the New York Bar, and is associated with the International Chamber of Commerce working group on customs valuation. He will also discuss his forthcoming book on customs valuation law, the first significant treatment in decades. Read a few excerpts, download pdf.

    Interviewed by Monika Bielskienė, Lithuania
    Attorney, PWC Lithuania

    Watch the video record and/ or read the article Customs valuation: interview with the author of the book
    16:05 - 16:15
    16:05 - 16:15
    Dr Andrew Grainger, the UK
    Cross-Border Logistics Operations serves as a comprehensive guide and companion to the cross-border trade and customs environment and its implications for international business supply chains and their control. Inspired by the World Customs Organization's Professional Standards (also known as the WCO PICARD Standards), it provides key insights into transporting goods across borders and effectively managing the requirements for compliance and enforcement.

    Interviewed by Anthony Buckley, Ireland
    CEO, Anthony Buckley Consulting Ltd.

    Watch the video record and/ or read an excerpt from the book Cross-Border Logistics Operations: interview with the author of the book

    16:15 - 16:30
    16:15 - 16:30
    Looking to the future: the mega trends in the customs world and their implications for today's books on customs

    Moderator: Jessica Yang, Director, JY XBorder Consulting LLC
    Moments from the 1st Event in 2020

    PROGRAMME in pdf

    Interview with Catherine A.C. Truel from the UK, the author of the book „A Short Guide to Customs Risk" (in English)

    Interview with dr. Solon Sehn from Brazil, the author of the book "Import Tax" (in Portuguese)

    Interview with Cyrille Chatail from France, the editorial secretary of "Le Lamy Guide des procedures douanières" (in French)

    Interview with Juan David Barbosa from Colombia, the author of the Tariff Classification chapter included in the global compilation on comparative customs law through the lenses of 50 authors from 11 countries in Latin America and Europe (in Spanish)

    Interview with dr. Gediminas Valantiejus from Lithuania, the author of the book "Legal Regulation of Customs Duties" (in Lithuanian)

    Authors Christian Struck and Anna Gayk from Germany talk about the book "UCC – Practitioner's Edition" (in English)

    Dr. Karlis Ketners from Latvia shares his reader's insights about the book "Global Trade and Customs: A Practical Comparison of Major Jurisdictions" (in English), editor Zsolt Szatmári

    Dr. Ilona Mishchenko from Ukraine
    shares her insights about the book "Customs Regimes in Ukraine" (in Ukrainian), which she co-authored


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